Curriculum Support
In the ever changing environment of Design and Technology it is important that members of the subject community keep up to date with changes in this area of the curriculum. As a young, constantly evolving subject, Design and Technology needs continuing support if it is to develop and provide students with the skills required for life in the modern, industrial world.
Design and Technology experiences regular changes in terms of both curriculum and examinations. These changes bring their own pressures and opportunities for teachers to update and develop their own knowledge and skills.
Datrus is able to provide design and technology departments with support on any issue relating to this area of the curriculum. Suggested areas of support that schools may wish to consider may be curriculum planning, preparing for inspection, developing specialist courses, reviewing issues regarding health and safety, department design and layout, subject leader support, support for NQT’s and trainee teachers, lesson observations, short listing for interviews, self evaluation frameworks, CPD and other areas of staff development.
Support programmes are designed to suit the needs of individual schools and for their own individual teachers. For example, they may take place as one to one interactive sessions between a teachers and a consultant, they may form part of group consultancy to a whole departmental team, or alternatively a group of schools may wish to collaborate on a particular aspect of CPD.